New Recipes

non veg soup

Veg Soup

Category 7



 2 c. rice

 1 tsp. mustard

1 c. urad dhal

1/2 tsp.

turmeric powder

 1/4 head cauliflower

 6 tsp.

oil 1

carrot 1 Tbsp.

curry leaves 1

potato 2 Tbsp

 2 tspcoriander leaves i onion chopped

 coconut flakes 1 tsp

  salt 1 tsp. masala powder (optional)


Prepare batter as for IDLY (in the Breakfast Section) using the rice and urad dhal.

Peel potato.

 Shred carrot and potato.

 Cut onion and cauliflower into small pieces.

 In a fry pan, heat 4 tsp.

oil and saute cut vegetables and coconut flakes for 5-10 minutes.

 Add salt, turmeric and the optional masala powder.

In another fry pan, saute mustard seeds in 2 tsp.

 oil until they pop, add curry leaves and swirl for a minute. Add to batter. Add the coriander leaves to the batter and mix well.

 Grease idly-plates.

First add 2 Tbsp.

of batter to each hollow then 1 tsp.

fried vegetables, then top off with 1 Tbsp. of the batter. Steam cook for 5-7 minutes.

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